Hope & Healing Center
Offering adults support for their mental health

Digital Support
We pride ourselves in choosing clients that make the world a better place, but we’d be hard-pressed to find one with a more galvanizing mission than that of Hope and Healing Center & Institute. They are “transforming lives” and “restoring hope” by providing mental health services to adults who wouldn’t have access otherwise. With that rally cry, we set out to build a site that focused on helping the community first, and garnering donations second.
Can I ask you a question?
If you anticipate a user’s needs, you’re more likely to get them to act. By opening the HHCI website with a fill-in-the-blank “I want to…” selector, we give visitors the option to choose their own adventure, so to speak, but with guidance. Getting plopped into a new experience is daunting, so it helps to break complex decisions into steps.

As you scroll down each page of the site, it’s our sincere hope that the soft tan and rose and teal colors make the visitor feel at ease in the experience. This visual tone extends to the soft lines used for illustrations and background drawings. Rather than making light of a serious situation, we aim to make it approachable.
Based on initial returns, traffic is up on desktop and mobile, as is engagement. It’s no surprise that simplifying navigation and limiting the amount of content on each page has made information gathering that much easier. By removing frustration points from the website, we believe more people will find the support they need. All thanks to the wonderful folks at Hope and Healing Center & Institute.