Shelton Architecture
Durable architecture for homes, businesses, and public spaces

Digital Support
Have we said how much we love working with architects? It’s true, for two main reasons. One, they have great visual assets (i.e. photos) for us to work with. Two, and this was especially the case with Shelton, they appreciate how a well thought out design philosophy informs every step of the process.
An architecture site is visual, it’s a digital portfolio. The design elements are there to complement the work, that’s it. Our concept for Shelton was to use whitespace to frame the high quality photos that best display what they do and what they’re about.
Necessary and purposeful
While we could have filled the screen with gorgeous imagery, we found that the judicious use of negative space actually accentuated what was there. Some design styles run the risk of overstimulation, and we made sure to avoid that. Every element is necessary and purposeful.
A crucial piece of every project is conversion, generating new business for clients. In this design, we have a fixed footer with contact info that stays in view wherever you’re at on the site. Furthermore, the contact form is direct and to the point. Eliminate extraneous hoops and more visitors take the next step. It’s that simple.