Link Architecture

Thoughtful architects who build brand into space

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What we did
Website for Growth
Digital Support

Architectural websites, like modern buildings, are often minimal by design. Great portfolio imagery does the heavy lifting, but the underlying details make the experience memorable. Link Architecture came to us with the same goal they have in mind for their work: create something that comes organically from a brand.

Thanks again for all the work your team did for our website. It was time and money very well spent on a team with talent and the ability to determine what we needed. You guys did a great job in making future website maintenance easy.
Tony Keller
Principal, Link Architecture
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What We Learned
Start with the end in mind

To maximize conversion, we start the footer with a rotating band of high profile client logos, lending credibility to the whole site. Finally, key contact info arrives at the time when visitors are most likely to use it. Connection complete.

Link Architecture creates beautifully thoughtful spaces and we are proud to have worked with them.

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