
Brand new life planning app

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What we did
Website for Growth
Digital Support

A startup building an app to help people plan for the future they want… heck yeah, what a perfect fit for GLIDE. We gelled with the team behind the BodesWell app from day one and got to work quickly on the marketing website to make sure they had a web presence when they made their big announcement.

Post Launch Results
Mobile Traffic Pages Per Visit arrow
Desktop Traffic Average Session Duration arrow
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What We Learned
Fewer pages, more creativity

With a limited number of layouts to design, we were able to put a lot of energy into each one. The homepage, for instance, opens with claymation icons created from scratch by 3D rendering, then animated, for a truly alive experience. As you scroll down the page, the background color changes, indicating the shifts in mood you might experience over the course of your life.

One goal in mind

Pretty visuals are important for getting a visitors attention, but there’s always an action we want our websites to result in. In this case, it’s getting visitors to sign up to try the app. Once you past the hero of the homepage, a ‘Get Early Access’ button pins to the bottom right of the screen. It’s not in your way, but it’s always in reach.

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