Arrive Logistics

Logistics is a multi-trillion dollar industry showing no signs of slowing down, and Arrive, a company only four years old, is in the midst of their own hyper growth period.

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What we did
Website for Growth
Digital Support

With all the operational challenges that come with rapid expansion, it was quite forward-thinking of them to set aside the resources to overhaul their digital presence. Our challenge was making a website that impresses now and remains relevant for years to come.

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What We Learned
Start with the end in mind

That leads into another GLIDE mantra: Delight comes standard. In that same hero space, before you’ve even scrolled down, we conceived of a hover effect that changes the background image when you mouse over either of their two core audiences. The homepage’s job is to get that first click so having two big interactive links above the fold certainly encourages that behavior.

As you move through the site, you’ll find micro animations peppered in along the way. There’s a stats counter, a bouncing tracking dot, and a spider web-like map that illustrates their coverage area. Overall, it’s clean design that also pops with personality, much like the image of the company itself.

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