The future of architecture

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What we did
Website for Growth
Digital Support

We admire companies that embrace new technology in legacy industries. For architecture, advances in computer modeling and AR and VR have obvious applications, yet still, many firms are reluctant to change their established ways. Not 5D. “Embracing the future of architecture” is in their DNA. For us, we had to make sure the website embodied that same forward-thinking mentality.

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Subtle page load effects and layered background elements give the site a texture that ties into the 5th dimension brand concept. Furthermore, every time you load a page, their brand promise repeats, briefly, before fading away. Why not use this downtime as an opportunity to reinforce key messaging.

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What We Learned
Modern web design

Modern web design is as much about timelessness as it is about future trends, which is why we didn’t take a kitchen sink approach when building the site. When you have rich visual assets—in this case beautiful photography—you shouldn’t notice the design over the content. Minimalism, when done right, feels classic and futuristic at the same time. It’s a delicate balance, but we believe we hit the mark here.

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